A Month and Promotion

“You can’t squeeze too much into one month because you can’t adequately promote it all.” – Kelly during the first Stretch Yourself meet up. I had to listen in on the recording because I just could not stay up, the time change does wreck things sometimes.

That is a really big takeaway for me – especially since I signed up for so much for one month. I can’t do it all! Of course not. No one can. I am definitely going to be stretching myself though because I don’t promote myself. I want certain things, I feel like I’ve been around for a while, and I’m just not there yet.

I don’t promote myself because I don’t have anything to act on. I don’t have my podcast, nor do I have a mailing list, or anything to sell. Sheesh! Absolutely no downers here, just reality.

And so I look forward to the end of this challenge. To see how much I am able to grow and implement (and promote!) what I know, what I know I need to share, and what I create.

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