31 Days and A Stretch

I joined the 31 days of blogging (you still have a few hours to join if you are interested – check out https://write31days.com/) and I admit I joined without a clear topic in mind. I also joined a business stretch yourself challenge with an amazing business mentor (though I’ve been out of the online business aspect of things for a short while, I’m jumping back in!) and purchased the Blogtober pack from Crissy over at Indie Biz Chicks. Yeah, that’s a lot. It’s probably too much because – FOCUS. Focus is extremely important online, I’m not talking about focusing on facebook or making sure you are posting to twitter once an hour. I’m talking about focus when you want to build a business and earn money.

And so let this count as post one. The Stretch Yourself Challenge is all about content marketing. I have other websites to fulfill that on, let’s see if I can post for the month about what it is like for me to dive back into the working online community.

First thoughts – bright shiny objects everywhere. Obviously I was hit hard by signing up for three things. I have a craft blog – I want to start my craft podcast – I have domain names I want to get rid of – and I want to transfer my remaining domain names over to a new company. That last one is something I can do later. The first two high priority, and getting rid of domain names, that will happen soon.

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